Meet the Team – Roxy Holmes

In the second of our Meet the Team series, we’ve been chatting to Roxy Holmes who has been with us since February 2022. Read on and meet Roxy Holmes.

What do you do at Ideal4Finance?

I’m a Relationship Manager, looking after our clients in the UK and US.

Describe a typical day for you:

It’s all about talking to clients, from onboarding new ones right at the start of their relationship with us, to maintaining contact with those we have had for many years. There will be compliance calls to make with new contracts and continuing due diligence checks with long-standing clients. I’m there to provide on-going support, so one minute I could be advising clients on their websites and social media, and the next I’ll be creating QR codes or checking that adverts are FCA compliant.  There really is never a dull moment!

What do you love most about your job?

Thankfully, I love lots about my job. Having so many clients to look after means there is always lots of variety, and I work with all the different teams in the building – sales, marketing, compliance to name just some. Interacting with clients is probably the best though, especially when we have a great rapport, and they tell me my customer service has been fantastic!

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

A nurse or a doctor, before realising it wasn’t possible due to me being so squeamish.

What keeps you busy/happy outside of work?

Spending time with my partner and family. I have three adult children, a son and two daughters, as well as two beautiful granddaughters aged five and two.  I also love travelling with my partner. We go abroad at least twice a year and spend quite a few weekends away travelling up and down the UK.

If you were stranded on a desert island, which three items would you want with you?

A survival bag, a hammock and a knife.

And finally, what’s for lunch?

This one is difficult for me as I don’t always have lunch and when I do, it can vary. But, a favourite has to be chips from the local chippy, dipped in curry sauce!

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Click here to read about another team member, James Bethell