Meet the Team – James Bethell

In our Meet the Team series, we introduce you to our team members and find out what makes them tick. Today, we meet James Bethell.

What do you do at Ideal4Finance?

My role is Sales Support Manager. I’ve only been in the role since April this year after being promoted from telesales agent, which I did for two years.

Describe a typical day for you:

My daily tasks include confirming appointments made by telesales agents, contacting business owners with a checklist of questions to ensure they meet our compliance requirements, sending appointment reminders to businesses, logging staff hours and assigning campaigns for the agents to dial.

What do you love most about your job?

I love the people who work here and have really good working relationships with them. In my previous experience of office environments, this isn’t always easy to find.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

Firefighter or a PE teacher

What keeps you busy/happy outside of work?

Gym and Partying

If you were stranded on a desert island, which three items would you want with you?

Fishing rod, hammock and e-cig.

And finally, what’s for lunch?

I love to go down to Kirkham’s local delicatessen, Greens, and order my favourite which is: chicken, chorizo, pepperoni, halloumi, roasted peppers and onions, lettuce and chilli jam/mayo on seeded baton.

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Click here to read about another team member, Otis, the office dog